Taking control

Look at your goals longingly, like a child so hungry for bread. That your mind goes helter skelter and your patience never fled. Don’t stop some place shady and cool. Run in the sun, let your bones breathe. Let your mind constantly think because the mind, the funny mind, rebels at stagnation. Bask in yourContinue reading "Taking control"

Refuse to sink

Existing and surviving never living and thriving. Like fine threads struggle to get through a small needle, this rat race doesn’t get any simpler. When you think you’re about to fall off the brink, carry the weight of the world on your shoulders and just refuse to sink. ~holding on tightly

Words and Letters

Kindness, an eight letter word, I first discovered in the browns of my mothers eyes. Courage, a seven letter word, I first discovered in my mother’s heart that melts a little every time I smile. Giving, a six letter word, I first discovered in the calloused fingertips of my mothers palms. Trust, a five letterContinue reading "Words and Letters"

The paradigm of ‘ideal womanhood’

Don't fret don't crouch Don't slop don't slouch Don't try...not even a little To open your smart mouth It's very unpleasant and the antonym of good, you must follow the paradigm of 'ideal womanhood'     Sit and smile and look sublime, And when a man comes by, just bow to his eye. Always inContinue reading "The paradigm of ‘ideal womanhood’"